Contact us

Technical and roadside assistance for Ferrari luxury cars and restoration of Ferrari vintage cars

Autofficina Sauro is located in Bologna, Via del Fonditore, 10. We provide technical and roadside assistance for luxury Ferrari cars. We also restore vintage Ferrari cars. Bring us your old Ferrari cars and we will give them the life they deserve, bringing them back to their original splendour. Our mechanics have been trained directly in the Ferrari factory. All this to give you professional assistance and one hundred per cent guarantees. For information and quotes, please contact us by filling out the form below. Our team will reply as soon as possible.


Via del Fonditore

Bologna (bo) , 40137 Italia

Tel: 051 6233003


Monday to Friday

8.00 / 12.00 - 14.00 / 18.00

Saturday morning by appointment

* Mandatory fields

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